FLASH POST: Stars of the Show: NAF and… Kitty?!

In order of left to right, Yogini (Business Lead), Alyson Edge (NAF Director), Kitty (the robot), Robin (Business Mentor), and Luci (Captain)

“NAF Ribbon Cutting”, Burbank Chamber of Commerce, January 25, Season, 2023

After being graciously invited to the NAF Ribbon Cutting at the Burbank Chamber of Commerce, the team of Luci Masselink (Captain), Robin Dorfman (Business Mentor), Yogini Vazirani (Business Lead), and Kitty (2022 robot) rolled out to speak about their team on behalf of NAF to local leaders and… how did Kitty end up there! Funnily enough, after being set aside as a small showpiece, Kitty ended up being the centerpiece of nearly all pictures. Turns out, they really are quite dramatic. 

The Thunderbots cannot be more grateful to Alison Edge, NAF Director, and all of the NAF Board Members for all they do for the community, students’ futures, and Team 980!

— Luci (Captain, 2023)

Thunderbots, Roll Out!

“FRC Kickoff”, Burbank High STEAM Lab, January 7, Season, 2023

January 7th. Kickoff. The day FIRST teams all around the world have been waiting for. Doubling their numbers, rookies flooded to the Thunderbots to kickoff a new season. After general team introductions, they got into the good stuff: Charged Up. 

A game of precision — what is the best way to gather a cone or cube to place them onto a small platform? How to balance on a “seesaw”? These are the questions every team must answer. 

Getting a jumpstart on the first day, students went into initial designs and getting to know each department. The new bunch of rookies and returning students demonstrated incredible passion and readiness to take the season’s challenge head on. 

Here’s to a great season for the Thunderbots!

— Luci (Captain, 2023)

FLASH POST: Team 980 Sends 2022 Off with Style!

“Thunderbots Holiday Party/Open House”, Burbank High STEAM Lab, December 17, Off-season, 2022

With a great turnout of over 30 interested students and parents, the Team 980 Holiday Party went beautifully with a complete setup of food, team history, tours, mini-bot building, robot demonstrations, and more! Attached here is a brief description of each department that was presented at the Party.

— Luci (Captain, 2023)