Team 980 Finishes Out 2022 With Their Best Wheel Forward!

Video of Updated Collector/Shooter

“Tidal Tumble”, Ventura Fairgrounds, October 29-30, Fall 2022

After complications with their collector throughout the Ventura Scrimmage at Da Vinci Schools, the 980 Thunderbots roll into Tidal Tumble, not only with their prior two sets of collecting spinner wheels, but three! Throughout the 2022 competition season, they knew that the collector with three spinners would definitely be on the list for improvements due to a flimsy structure and inconsistent collection. Tidal Tumble confirms their new collector’s many benefits: with a more solid structure holding the collector up, it ensures a consistent compression (and therefore collection) of cargo; once the cargo makes it into the main body of the robot, it’s constantly being pushed through to the shooter without a chance of bouncing out; and the improved pneumatic retraction/extension system assists with raising the collector up/down much quicker, limiting worry about it (accidently) reaching into other robots. 

Combined with their auto-aiming high goal shooter, Team 980 firmly established themselves as a force soon to be reckoned with for the 2023 season.

— Luci

Team 980 Takes Breaking a “Leg” to the Next Level at the Da Vinci Scrimmage!

“Da Vinci Scrimmage”, El Segundo, October 15, Fall 2022

As a small event with approximately a dozen teams, Da Vinci’s Scrimmage was designed as a casual practice event for teams to try their new upgrades – Team 980 was sure to make the most of this opportunity, especially testing new robot drivers/operators. Despite not being able to finalize their fully fledged, three wheel collector system in time, they were still able to reap the benefits of a newly mounted pneumatics system for the collector’s extension/retraction. By placing the system higher up, more consistent compression was exerted on the cargo, bringing them more smoothly into the belly of the beast and quicker up/down motion, minimizing the risk of accidental – possibly damaging – collisions. However, tragedy struck when a collector arm snapped in half. Rather than conceding to fate, the students rallied their forces to fix the fracture best they could – and it paid off! With their quick thinking, Team 980 was back competing in just a few rounds, playing out the rest of their matches for the day. 

Team 980 is scheduled for Tidal Tumble in two weeks time; will their finalized collector be revealed in all its glory? How will the students’ determination manifest itself against any challenges coming their way? Is Team 980 Thunderbots on their road to greatness?

— Luci