Throughout the Los Angeles Regional, both the student drivers and the robot
improved. (Translation: we were still finishing getting the robot to work
and we were not picked to be in the Elimination Tournament.)
But, now with much better chances, the team is traveling north of Fresno for
the first Central Valley Regional in Madera, CA to compete April 5-7, 2012.
Gary Hedge, 818-352-9412
The ThunderBots, Team 980, is featured on the cover of the La Cañada Valley
Sun March 18!
A photo of Team 980 in the pits at the Los Angeles Regional Competition
appeared on the front page of the Sunday March 18, 2012 edition of
the Valley Sun! The caption mentions Karpis, a student team member,
describing our robot!
I’ve attached a scanned copy of the story! Please pass this
on to parents, classmates, teachers, friends, potential
sponsors, and the winner of the Mega Millions lottery!
Go Team 980!!
David Brinza

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