2013 SCRRF Fall Classic hosted by Team 980

Team 980 hosted the Southern California Regional Robotics Forum (SCRRF) Fall Classic competition on Sat. Oct 19 at John Burroughs HS. This is the sixth time Team 980 hosted the competition, with JBHS serving as the venue the past four years. A record number of teams (30) participated in a one-day 2013 FRC game “Ultimate Ascent” tournament, with perhaps the largest crowd ever for the event!

Results are shown below:


Matches were played on an official FRC field, whose use was coordinated by the Western Region Robotics Forum (WRRF) and LA Robotics. Thank you to our students and parents for setting up and tearing-down the field along with our mentors  (David, the Marks, and Gerry).

In addition to coordinating the competition, Team 980 provided concessions to a large, hungry crowd. Thanks to Nina and other Team 980 parents and students for making this fundraiser happen!

Participating teams, spectators, and the organizing committee complemented Team 980 for hosting an awesome event!

Team 980: Piggybackr Fundraiser Success!

Team 980 students conducted a highly-successful fundraising campaign in 2013 using Piggybackr, a crowdfunding site designed for youth organizations. During the 2013 season, Team 980 set (and met!) intermediate goals for build, competition season ($4,000) and our “Drive to Success!” ($7,500). Here’s a screenshot of our team page at the conclusion of our fundraiser:

Students created individual pages, with their own fundraising targets and progress displayed. Some students added their own videos, as well as describing the impact of FIRST Robotics Competition on their future.

Special thanks go to our Gold Sponsor: Tweed Financial Services!

Team 980 plans to use Piggybackr in future seasons to raise funds and awareness for our program.

Congratulations to our student members for all their efforts this year!


Team 980: Award Winners at Los Angeles Regional!

FRC Team 980 fought hard in its second competition, the Los Angeles Regional, held in the Long Beach Sports Arena on March 21 -23.

We finished in 18th position out of 65 teams, with a record of 5 wins and 3 losses. Our catapult was successful in scoring Frisbees in autonomous mode and during tele-operated play. We were an alternate robot for the elimination rounds, and remained “on-deck” through the semi-finals and finals of the competition.

Emma, our team captain, won a Dean’s List Finalist Award! Team 980 won the Xerox Creativity award for our novel catapult approach to scoring and defending. Our lead mentor, David Brinza, earned the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award for the Los Angeles Regional.

Team 980 wrapped up a successful 2013 FRC Ultimate Ascent season and is now working towards next year!

Team 980 Competes at San Diego Regional

FRC Team 980 competed in its first 2013 regional competition in San Diego on March 7 – 9.

The robot operated in every match, with our team compiling a record of 4 wins and 6 losses against a strong field. Our team captain, Emma, shown driving the robot here, sang the national anthem for the crowd on Saturday morning. We had a great time and learned a lot at our first event.