FRC 2022 Season: Ventura County Regional

FRC 980_VenturaCounty_Regional_2022

In our first competition of the 2022 FRC season (and first since March 2020, due to COVID), FRC Team 980 participated in the 202 Ventura County Regional, held at Port Hueneme, CA on March 10-12, 2022. Teams were restricted to a minimal crew (due to COVID protocols), but Team 980 fielded a very capable pit crew and drive team.
Our robot performed in every match and was able to score cargo in autonomous mode, collect and score additional cargo in teleop mode, and hang from the middle rung at the end of the match. Due to favorable partnering, Team 980 was ranked in the top 10 at the end of the first day. Ultimately, we finished at 6-5 ranked in 19th place out of 40 teams, but we were not selected for the elimination rounds.
The 2022 FRC Ventura County Regional was a successful event for our mostly rookie team. We learned a lot and immediately started plans to upgrade the robot for our next event in Los Angeles three weeks later.