Team 980 at Discovery Cube Los Angeles!

Team 980 hosted an event at the Los Angeles Discovery Cube on May 14th to demonstrate our robot and spread FIRST to the community! We invited other FIRST teams to help us out, and had a great time! We showed people how awesome STEM and FIRST are, and introduced many to teams they could join.

The local congressman, Tony Cárdenas, visited to see the teams! We told him what FIRST does for the community, and he voiced his support for what we were doing. He also signed Dean’s Homework!



Present were FIRST teams:

FRC 980 ThunderBots
FRC 589 Falkon Robotics

FRC 599 Robodox
FRC 2404 TNT

FRC 3328 NohoRobo

FTC 5218 Javabots
FTC 25 Rock n Roll Robots

FLL 163 Second LIfe
FLL 52 Robotworks XX